Breast Augmentation
Consultations offered at our four convenient locations in Pomona, Beverly Hills, Rancho Cucamonga and Apple Valley, CA

Breast Augmentation is a surgical procedure to increase the size, fullness, and/or shape of breasts using an implantable prosthesis. The surgery increases the breast size and is supposed to perfect the shape of the breasts. This is commonly done with patients who have lost volume and desire to regain a fuller and sexier profile.
Before and After Photos
Reasons To Consider A Breast Augmentation
Desire larger breasts, restore breast size and shape after pregnancy, weight loss, breastfeeding, unevenness or other conditions that altered the size and shape of the breast.
What Do I Need To Know?
Patients can have saline implants, which are most popular, or they may elect to try silicone implants, which were recently approved again by the FDA. For the ultimate in natural look and feel, as well as peace of mind regarding safety concerns, there is also the gummy bear breast implant, a cohesive silicone gel implant that has revolutionized breast augmentation.
There are a few different types of incisions that can be used:
- Inframmammary: in the crease at the base of the breast
- Axillary: in the armpit
- Areola: around the nipple
The surgeon’s choice of which incision to use depends on the degree of enlargement, the type of implant, and the surgeon-patient preference. The breast implant can be placed into a pocket beneath the pectoral muscle or can be placed beneath the breast tissue, between the pectoralis muscle and the rib.
All these methods keep scars as inconspicuous as possible. The most popular way of performing breast augmentation is through an incision in the armpit utilizing the minimal incision technique. Utilizing this method, no incisions are made on the breast or into the breast tissue. The incision is about 1 inch in length and heals in a small non-revealing fold in the armpit. Most breast implant procedures we perform are done behind the muscle for a more natural fee.
You will have gauze dressings and a support bra placed at the time of surgery. The support bra will help swelling and support the breasts as they heal. During the first 24 hours, you will have some drainage from the surgery site. You can expect bruising, numbness, swelling and soreness. Pain medication, prescribed by the surgeon, will help control the discomfort during your recovery period.